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BANT Nutritional Therapy

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,

diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

  Thomas Edison (1902)

In Functional Medicine and Nutrition the first step is always a detailed consultation taking a thorough medical and life history. We want to understand and find out what has led to the current set of symptoms.


As a members of the Institute of Functional Medicine and a Registered Nutritional Therapists (BANT) we also have access to full laboratory testing if needed.


This includes testing for food sensitivities, stool analysis, nutrigenomics (genes), blood tests, hormonal and adrenal function, toxic metals, mycotoxins, organic acids and metabolic analysis. Many of these tests can be done from home or in conjunction with your GP and are also appropriate for children.

Following a detailed assessment we will agree a plan of achievable diet, lifestyle changes and functional testing. This may also include some supplementation according to your individual needs. We will regularly review the plan together.

We see a wide range of adults and children in the clinic. Sometime patients have an existing diagnosis, others just want to improve their overall health and often it is people who are sick and just can't work out what the problem is.


We also commonly see patients who are also under the care of their GP or hospital consultant and taking prescribed medication.



For all enquiries please contact us here -

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